Tip 8: Quick tip today but one I find very effective. Do note, however, that this presupposes you are photographing in RAW!
You will be aware that, when you shoot in RAW, your processing software will (should!) automatically open the RAW Converter before you take the photo into the editting suite.(for Adobe CS, Elements or Lightbox it is often referred to by photographers as ACR – Adobe Camera RAW). This allows you, amongst other things, to change the white balance that you took your original shot on.
Try checking the Flash option in the White Balance drop down table near the top. This very often gives a great colour balance to your work – it is by NO MEANS just limited to on camera flash. It is more subtle than garish but can render more natural tones.

In the two shots below the one marked as Great Tit 1 was shot on cloudy white balance and the one marked Great Tit 2 was shot on cloudy white balance and amended in ACR to flash white balance.

Great Tit 1 Cloudy White Balance

Great Tit 2 – Flash White BalanceI could have altered to any other white balance option (again provided I shot in RAW in the first place) but the point I am making is that, often, Flash will give the most ‘realistic’ tones.

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