I have seen a lot of bluebell shots over the last week or so and, to be fair, they have mostly been very good indeed 🙂
You have probably seen them too? Lovely beech woods, covering a carpet of bluebells – Spring is here and look!! It’s beautiful. But the shots are always, understandably, from INSIDE the wood.
So, the other day I decided to just try something a bit different. A shot from OUTSIDE the wood, looking in. This was new to me so I needed to chose my viewing point carefully!
Here is the result – shot on a Nikon DSLR camera and on a tripod.
Sometimes we can get better results by trying something different, rather than copying what other folk do.

Bluebell Woods in the Lake District, May 2016

Bluebell Woods in the Lake District, May 2016

Does it work for you?
Shot on my Nikon D800 and Nikon 24-70mm lens at f14 and 1/25th second at 100 ISO, using a Benro Mach 3 tripod.

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