The weather in that part of the UK where I live is currently what I believe the Scots call driech! Grey, wet, a bit cold and more than a bit miserable. But, that means it has to get better soon, so camera batteries charged, lenses cleaned and I am ready for the first whiff of blue sky!!
Lots planned for next year, including plenty of workshops; one day and longer. Also, I am getting into the swing of Blurb Books now – have you checked out my Frpm Trickles to Torrents yet?
Aiming to attract many more commercial customers too, to really help them promote their businesses – things are tight so I reckon every little has to help.
In the meantime, may I wish all of you a lovely Christmas and a happy and health 2012. Your support, Facebook comments (well some of them!), patronage and general enthusiasm is so much appreciated!
Nick J
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