For a while now an interesting and thought provoking debate has been aired as to whether a photograph (or an image, if you prefer) looks ‘better’ in its original colours or as a monochrome.
I don’t think anyone can ever give a definitive answer to this as, surely, it is down to the taste and opinion of each individual? That said I firmly believe it is worth a try.

With the ability given to us to convert our work into monochrome via post processing software it is not a difficult task to execute. It does however, I believe, require thought as to whether it could look more appealing and if so, what treatment should be applied and how heavily or subtly.

This morning whilst having a bit of a purge of my photos I came across a shot I took just a few years ago of a nearby pond, nature reserve and ruins of a long disused lime processing ‘factory’. I spent a bit of time on its conversion and show both here.

I am not so concerned as to which one is ‘better’ as I imagine there will be mixed views, but I do, once again, offer it as a thought provoker. Maybe DO try sometimes, to see what you think?

For info, this was converted via the infrared option with a touch of red filter slider and by bring levels towards darker and adding a touch of brightness.

PS – I prefer the monochrome as it adds to the drama and overall feel of what was in front of me.

Aberthaw Pond and LimeworksBandW web_DSC8401

I would love to hear/read your views on this subject so do drop me your comments.


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